The CMC-30 is three phase, permanent magnet alternator, AC output. This generator is brushless, have long operational lfe and very low mechanical noisy.
The CMC-30 is widely used in mini wind turbine, human power system, mini hydro turbine, etc.
Schematic Diagram:
School Tutorial Wind Set
This tutorial wind set is a good solution for teaching renewable energy. The sets feature modular components for flexibility as well as easy set up and use, and allow experiments across the whole range of hydrogen applications, including automotive applications, solar, and wind experiments.
The wind turbine can be run indoors with ordinary table fans, or in any breeze. It can be paired with the PEM electrolyser cell to allow a number of experiments in the realm of renewable energy.
Generate Electricity By Walking
The brace harvests the energy of a person's knee braking after taking a step, similar to the way hybrid car brakes collect energy to charge their batteries. The device only weighs 3.5 pounds, and does not need the intense effort that other human powered energy generators such as hand cranks require.
The brace could be used by campers and soldiers to power GPS locators and satellite phones in areas with limited access to electricity. It could also charge prosthetic knees, eliminating the need for periodic surgery to replace the batteries in the joint.